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Small Faces with Huge Reactions! These Babies will Make you Burst out of Guffaw...

 Small Faces with Huge Reactions! These Babies will Make you Burst out of Guffaw...

Cute, innocent and adorable are some of the bazillion words used for babies, however, at times they can be bizarre too!

We all know, babies react so quickly and sometimes to an extent where it doesn't fall into the category of reaction but instead over reactions! Babies portray each and every reaction so actively that people often get excited after seeing them. A coin may have 2 faces but this doesn't go with babies as they have a thousand reactions!

Babies live in a glass house of emotions. Watching a baby experience the world is exhilarating and frustrating at the same time, special when they throw tantrums and cry for no reason!

Here are some of the purest emotions you’ll ever see on a tiny human’s face: (This literary did change the expression of our face!)

kid surprised gif

For this Newborn, the World is Full of Surprises

kid eating lemon

This Kid Just Found Out Lemon is Sour!

kid crying


Kid is upset, but doesn't really want to commit!

happy kid

Happiness Mixed with Shock

This baby just saw something irrelevant while being happy!