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Old Generation Superstitions Literally Worth Believing! Here is the Underlying Logic...

Old Generation Superstitions Literally Worth Believing! Here is the Underlying Logic...

There are a lot of superstitions which our older generation does follow, many being totally absurd with no logic. However, being from the new generation most of us sideline every single belief or superstition, thinking that they don't have anything to do with reality. Well, if you think the same then, much to your shock, it's not the case every single time!

We do agree some beliefs that our older generation seems to impose on us are absurd however most of the things have been delicately put forward as a superstition for some or the other logical reason. 

Here are some of the most famous superstitious which you may have been hearing from your parents or grandparents since childhood and the real scientific explanation behind them...


man sleeping facing north

sweeping the floor in evening

tulsi leaves

nail cutting after sunset