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Have Seen the Best? Now Here are the Worst Celebrity Fax Figures!

Have Seen the Best? Now Here are the Worst Celebrity Fax Figures!

Imagine how it feels to see your own statue in Madame Tussauds Museum? Amazing, right?
Well, I bet you will change your mind after watching this celebrity wax statues, which aren't anywhere near perfection!

Well, as far as wax statues of Madame Tussauds are concerned more often that not, they are sheer perfection, however, just as not every day is a good day, in the similar manner, not every wax figure spells perfection! Here we are going to show you 10 celebrity wax statues which actually went terribly wrong that they became hilarious! 

Have a look and remember if the perfectionists can go wrong then why not you?

Orphan Winfrey wax statue

1. Orphan Winfrey

Not so Orphan Winfrey!

Prince William wax statue

2. Prince William

Omg.....just look at his Statue...we are sure Kate will not be happy to see this...

Leonardo DiCaprio wax statue

3. Leonardo DiCaprio

We think Leo will himself deny this being his statue.

Jennifer Garner wax statue

4. Jennifer Garner

Seriously? Does this seem to be Jennifer Garner from any fu**ing angle?