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Ever Wondered How Would a Popping Popcorn Look at 30,000 Frame Per Second?

Ever Wondered How Would a Popping Popcorn Look at 30,000 Frame Per Second?

Have you ever imagined how 2 mins popcorn looks like when you see them popping in slow motion? Well, you won't believe but this regular phenomenon of making popcorn looks fascinating AF!

Here is the video, with the process of popcorn making Filmed at 30,000 FPS in ultra slow motion macro with a Phantom v2512 Ultra High-Speed Camera. Taking the instant shooting process to slow motions depicts that the popping of a seed of popcorn is similar to as that of the blossoming of a flower.

I am sure you would have never noticed this process in depth which often takes not more than 2 minutes. Here we are showing you the mundane process in a very tactful manner to let you see, what actually happens when the popcorn pops?


Isn't it Mind-blowing?

Such fascinating things lets us delve upon the fact, how we never observe small details about things around us, which are way more astonishing then we think them to be! But, when the same thing we put in slow motion, everything is different!