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See The Weird People Who Have Got Place In Guinness Book Of World Record

See The Weird People Who Have Got Place In Guinness Book Of World Record

Anything can happen in this world of weird people. Recently, a list of the people who have done weird and strange things has been released which you can see here. This list has been released by Guinness Book Of World Record and it includes people who have registered their name in the book of world record.  

People try and do different type of things to get a place in the record of world's book. So, let know who have got place in this list.

1. The longest eyelids: China's Xianshia has made the record with having 12.40 cms of eyelids.

2. Hand nails: Her name is Ayanna Williams, who lives in America and her nails are 8 feet 10.9 inches long.

3. Shortest married couple: This is the world's shortest married couple, known as Paulo Gabriel and Silva Baros, both of which are from Brazil and their height is 181.41 cm.

4. Highest hairstyle: This person is Beni Harlem, whose hair style has a height of 52 cm and is from California.