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These Easy DIY Projects using Wine Corks would Add a Whole Lot Value to Your Place! It's Really Cool...

These Easy DIY Projects using Wine Corks would Add a Whole Lot Value to Your Place! It's Really Cool...

We spend a lot of money on our home decor, hand-pick each and every little thing precisely to go with the look of our place and to enhance the overall feel! However, we have a little idea that there are so many things from around us which can be turned into quirky yet alluring art to fascinate our visitors! One such easily available and worthless thing is Wine Cork!

You might not believe however wine corks makes the easiest yet the most beautiful embellishments for home decor! From baskets, wreaths, chandeliers to jewelry holders, corks can be used to make a lot of things which can be used for either decoration purpose or could bring into place for other household uses. 

Here are the smartest DIYs would not let you throw wine corks after sipping your wine... 

You can make amazing basket with corks

Aren't cork wreaths look so amazing! 

Cork chandeliers are too romantic!

Cork can also be converted into a fascinating key chains