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Ladies we found some very effective home remedies for your biggest enemy.

Ladies we found some very effective home remedies for your biggest enemy.

Acne is a serious concern for many people. The common areas affected by acne are neck, cheeks, forehead, shoulder, chest and nose. Pimples are caused by excessive production of sebum and dead skin cells due to hormonal changes. Whereas aloevera gel helps in treating acne due to its anti-bacterial properties while toothpaste act as a natural remedy for removing scars formed by pimples. If you want to get rid of pimples without any side effects, try these home remedies for a faster result:


Toothpaste is a natural remedy for treating acne and removing scars formed by pimples. Applying toothpaste overnight on the affected area will help in reducing the size of pimples.


Honey is a natural remedy for treating acne. The stickiness of honey helps in removing excess dirt from the skin. Apply a drop of honey directly on the acne and let it cool. Wash it off after an hour.

Lemon juice

The astringent and exfoliating properties of lemon makes it an amazing natural treatment for pimples. Take equal proportion of lemon juice and rose water. Dab this solution on the acne affected area. This solution will help you get rid of pimples quickly.


Garlic is known for fighting acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antiobiotic properties. Take a peeled garlic clove and rub it directly on the pimple. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes. It is highly effective in reducing the swelling and redness that comes with acne