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An Irish Woman Was Found Dead And Was Raped On Goa Beach On Holi. Please, People, Don't Disclose The Outsider That India Is A Rapist Country

An Irish Woman Was Found Dead And Was Raped On Goa Beach On Holi. Please, People, Don't Disclose The Outsider That India Is A Rapist Country

Holi is a festival of colours but this time the colour was found to be red. Exactly, it is devastating that when a foreigner comes from outside to celebrate a festival it's our sole responsibility to treat him/her well and make them feel comfortable. 

But this Irish woman was found naked and was killed on the Goa beach. We wonder she must have been raped too. So what exactly we want to say that at least don't let the Outsider know the reality That India Is A Country Where You Find Less Human Ans More Rapist.

irrish woman dead

Irrish Girl Found Dead On Goa Beach

People hide the secret or else economy would not grow. Shameful!