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Let’s find out some very interesting fact about the most simple and popular dish around the Globe: IDLI

Let’s find out some very interesting fact about the most simple and popular dish around the Globe: IDLI

I love to start my day with a plateful of idlis -- the soft and fluffy, round, steamed, savoury cake -- served usually with a bowl of piping hot sambar and tangy coconut chutney. I think idli is the only dish which you can have anytime. You can have idli in your breakfast perfect for lunch and super cool and easy to digest for dinner as well.

This simple snack is fast gaining universal appeal and is here to stay for generations to come.


Apart from revealing some interesting preparations of idli, the experts also throw a bit of light into its history. Both Tamil Nadu and Karnataka claim to have invented this recipe. There are references to the making and existence of idli from the 8th century, Sujan Mukherjee, the executive chef at Chennai's Taj Coromandel Hotel, told PTI. But many of us will be surprised to know there are claims that idli did not originate in South India at all. Some food historians believe idli was derived from some steamed rice preparations from Indonesia. It is believed that this recipe was invented by the cooks of the Hindu kings who ruled some parts of Indonesia.

Good To Digest

That is why even dieticians recommend idli to someone who is sick. It is the safest to eat since it has good bacteria, he stresses. This is the major reason why everyone feels good after having idli, says Kamath.

Traditional Cooking Style Of idli

This idli is traditionally made in a mud pot with boiling water covered with muslin cloth. The batter is poured flat over the muslin cloth and cooked over wood fire.

A Perfect Dish For Vegetarian and Non Vegetarians

This dish goes equally well with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian accompaniments. Though it is usually had with sambar and chutney, it can also be had with a tangy fish curry or a flavourful mutton kuruma.