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After A Year Full of Internet Challenges, People are Now All Set with Yet Another Crazy internet-sweeping New Year Trend!

After A Year Full of Internet Challenges, People are Now All Set with Yet Another Crazy internet-sweeping New Year Trend!

One thing on which we all have to agree is that over the past few years the internet has changed all our lives! Besides laying only positive or negative impact it has also made us go gaga over some crazy and absurd things! one of the very obvious being - bizarre internet challenges and trends! 

To be precise, last year i.e. 2016 was full of crazy internet trends which saw people pouring ice buckets on themselves as well as painting 100 layers of makeup. There were many who showed the courage and took such freaky challenges, on the other hand, others just thought them to be share bullshit.

Well, as the new year is here thus its calls for a new beginning for all the internet freaks to set the internet trends a level up. 

In the same direction, here comes a new totally bizarre trend as a part of which people are now spilling their food to send messages! Moronic! Isn't it?

 Cereals spelling cereal killer over the floor l killer

Cereals killer

Some of the people were seen using food items as cereals to spell out their messages as 'cereal killer' and 'send news' Others even used things as toilet paper and coins to show their creative edge.  The trend works in a manner in which the camera first sees ingredient or rather thing spilling over the floor from which the message is written. Then the camera pans to show the message! like Ta-Da!

 Message using coins

A message using coins

This person used coins to spell his desperate message...

See the video of this crazy internet challenge here!

Here is the video of the people following the crazy trend! Go ahead, see the internet craziness heading to another level...