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This is What Happened When the Army Tested British Soldiers with LSD (A Mood-Changing Chemical)

This is What Happened When the Army Tested British Soldiers with LSD (A Mood-Changing Chemical)

LSD; Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid, is a psychedelic drug known for its psychological effects.

In 1960's British Army injected this drug on the bodies of their own soldiers just to check the effect of it that how Soldiers will react after having a dose of LSD. This experiment was done to know the consequences of this drug with the intent to use it as a chemical weapon to incapacitate the enemies later.
The Drug was given to the Soldiers who were totally fit physically and mentally. After that, the troop was sent to perform their daily routine and what they did next got recorded! And luckily we have the clip to see what could a potent mood-changing chemical could do!

Of course, the army had a good laugh and you would too!

Britain Tested LSD On Its Soldiers In The 1960s

But, besides being amusing its sad and disturbing at the same time as its against human rights. Also, we don't appreciate the army to inject and test such type of drugs over soldier but the incident is too old to get any objection on it. Additionally, such incident did not happen with British soldiers only, U.S also practiced their soldiers several times for the same reason.