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Let’s find out some very interesting fact about the most simple and popular dish around the Globe: IDLI

USP of the Dish

This dish can easily be served as a starter too, of course with a few tweaks. If you are a South Indian and you are down with a fever, this is the only dish your mom feeds you for breakfast and dinner the USP of idli is that you won't feel heavy after having a few of them. It is easily digestible and so it is one of the first solid food given to babies. In my culinary experience many guests who have come to Chennai for the first time want to taste idli and dosa first as they have heard so much about them.

Universal Dish

The fact that some restaurants that specialise in idlis are spread across Europe, America and South East Asia makes it evident that idli has a universal acceptance

Good for Fitness Freaks

The most important thing about idli is that it doesn't require even a drop of oil for cooking. It has got minimal fat in it, so the presence of carbohydrates is overlooked by various other positive factors, he says. Some of the other interesting and healthy variations include the rawa idli, ragi idly and barnyard idli. The idli soaked in fish curry is a delight for fish lovers. This is a highly versatile dish that can be tuned according to the imagination of the cook. It will take in any flavors that you want to.

इन्दौरी तड़का : बावा आज  तो जमकर तैयार होने का दिन है 

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