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Some Amazing tricks that can burn belly fat in ONE day!!

Some Amazing tricks that can burn belly fat in ONE day!!

We all want to look good and gorgeous. A fit body is a blessing. We do a lot of hard work experience and dieting to look fit and smart. During the exercise, we realize that reducing belly fat is always a hard task. So let me tell you that you are not a lone warrior. Many want to lose fat, at least belly fat, in a day. Here's your guide to losing one kilo in one day and we are not kidding.



It goes without saying that processed sugar is the biggest culprit for excess weight. Eliminating sugar from your diet is like half the battle won. The glucose and fructose present in sugar are simple carbohydrates. These, when taken in excess, get converted into glycogen and get stored in fat tissue. Refined sugar is the leading cause of visceral fat. Instead of refined sugar, eat foods and fruits that contain natural sugars. Or, even avoid that for today.


Protein is one of the macronutrients that fight against the stubborn belly fat. Eating protein keeps you satiated for a longer duration and you don’t frequently gorge on the foods. You can add cottage cheese, yoghurt, eggs and lean meat in your diet.


Not only it is about green tea, but drinking peppermint tea, oolong tea and unfermented white tea is great for burning belly fat. Tea contains catechins (a type of natural phenol and antioxidant) which speeds up metabolism and burns fat faster, especially when you are working out regularly but even if not.


One of the leading causes of belly fat is our lifestyle. Our sitting jobs and sedentary lifestyle have become a major risk factor for diseases and gaining extra body weight. So, today, whenever you get time, move. While attending phone, walk and talk. And instead of taking escalators, use stairs.