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You Would Only Understand this Everyday Struggles If You Have Curly Hair On Your Head!

You Would Only Understand this Everyday Struggles If You Have Curly Hair On Your Head!

Hello, Curly Girlies!! Err... I meant those you have curly hair actually, don't take it otherwise!! Curly hair is something not so easy to handle. They look good but the struggle behind their care is real. They require so much of work and on the top of that people come and ask you OH! Did you perm your hair? (Inside you be like Dude I put my hard work in growing them)

If you have curly hair then some people will criticize your hair, some will be their fan. You will have mixed compliments for your hair. You really need to be patient because your hair can be compared with MAGGI too. (haha). But, who can make those morons understand that how tough is to solve the web of curls? If you a curly hair girl then you would agree with us on each and every point!

Here are some facts which every curl haired girl has faced once. By reading this you will feel that you are not the only victim if you own curly hairs there are others too who are sailing in the same boat...

curly hair

The only thing you want is to Shrink your hair

Say Hello to frizziness during humidity. It expands the size of you hair and it does not look less than a bird nest.

curly hair

Styling is not possible

Curly hair are bit moody. They have no direction for setting them up. You end up ironing them (& destroying them more)

curly hair problems

People fiddle with your hair

When people fiddle with hair all we wanna say is, keep your hands off from hair else i will tie a handcuff. 

curly hair problems

The Maggi noodles comment

Okay! Time to answer back the Maggi Noodle comment with Do you wanna try?(hah I swear, they won't utter a word after this)