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इस टीवी एक्टर ने अपनी बच्चियों को इंडियन लहंगे में तैयार कर शेयर की फोटो

और लिखा है arlier when someone asked me how is it being a dad? I would say I feel responsible for these angels. But now, it's changing, responsibility is for life, but love is blossoming. They way they look at me, is like they know im their dad, they jump into my embrace when I stretch my arms, they react to the sound of my voice.  My life is changing and im loving it & accepting it with all the love and grace he is showering me with. #omnamahshivaya These 2 @twinbabydiaries were my quest....I need to look no further. Thank you the biggest teacher I pay my respect to you on teachers day and to all the teachers / gurus / family / friends / acquaintances who have taught me everything I know. #mexico #wedding #minky2017 P.s. Thank you @katespadeny @instadiamond55 for choosing & getting these gorgeous twinning dresses

टीवी एक्ट्रेस हेली शाह की हॉट तस्वीरें

जब किए गए गलत क्लिक तो ये हुआ तस्वीरों का हाल(Photos)

मॉडल इजाबेल लिटे आज मना रहीं है अपना 27वां जन्मदिन


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