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Two Pups Fell Inside a Deep Well with Kind Cobra But, What the Snake Did Next Left Us Speechless!

Two Pups Fell Inside a Deep Well with Kind Cobra But, What the Snake Did Next Left Us Speechless!

We have 300 million stray dogs in India and some or the other thing keeps happening every other day! However, this isn't a regular incident that you must have heard about! In the state of Punjab two puppies met with an accident and what happened next would leave you shell shocked...

With the loud barking of a dog (Bitch) people around came to know that two pups have fallen into a deep well. Shockingly, the owner soon found them while looking down into the pit and saw something very terrifying: A king cobra was accompanying the two little puppies!

But much to everyone's shock, people realized that the puppies were safe inside the pit with the cobra. Not just that even the Cobra was protecting the puppies! Soon the authorities came and heaved them up from the well.They needed guarding because on the other side of the well was soaking wet soil – which the puppies could get stuck in, potentially drown and never have the chance to be pulled to safety

pups and cobra

Cobra Helps Pups Come Out of the Pit!

The sweet pups spent 48 hours in the well. The snake did something more shocking when authorities went down, cobra helped the rescuers to take them up by crawling to the other side!

The rescuers took the cobra to be left in the forest and the puppies were handed over to the owner!

Such an act from an animal as dangerous as King Cobra shows that Kindness still exists! It's simply heartwarming...